Thursday 12 June 2014

First Stencil Attempt!

I've been looking at a lot of fantastic Street Artists recently and realised...I've never made my own stencil! But it's something I'd love to here's my first attempt!

I decided to go with my Clockwork Mouse character; he/she is in a lot of my inked pieces. I wanted to see if my characters would translate well to stencil and my mousey mate is quite a simple design.

To start, I printed off two sheets of an inked drawing of my mouse (after Photoshopping out the background surrounding it), one clear and one very faded. The faded one will be used to make a stencil for the black outline, and the clear one will be used for the 'mass' of the white body. As this is just a first attempt, I thought that regular printer paper would be fine for a beginner.

Luckily we had an old board for me to lean on while I used a scalpel to cut out the design!

This is the faded one; I drew over the top with a thick black felt pen to mark out where I wanted the outline to be cut out.

Here's what I ended up with; on the left is the stencil for the outline and on the right, the stencil for the body.

As it was such a nice day, I took the stencils out in the garden to spray. I have some old A4 sized wooden boards that my mum was going to throw away last year, so luckily I had one of those to use!

Here's the first one for the body; I had to wait 45 minutes until applying the black! (I'm unsure if it would have run or not).

Here's the board with both white body and black outline sprayed on.

The 'completed' experiment!

I added a blob of red acrylic to each eye of my little critter, as I like my characters to have a cuteness but sinister edge to them.

The process was a very interesting and fun project to do! I definitely want to create more. My next piece I want to improve upon this design; I'd like to create the stencil on something more substantial than paper (card or cardboard) and I'd like the key to be black as opposed to white. This piece turned out quite blurry, I believe that was the paper flapping around as I sprayed (A shame about the tail!)

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